Sunday, December 16, 2012

Way Upstream

As our jeepney made its way upstream, I noticed that the rocks seemed to grow exponentially, some towering well over 15 meters out of the water. saw see fee suddenly summer surface system taken talk tall themselves third tiny town tried voice walk warm watch weather whether wild winter within strong stopped stop stood stay state start stand special someone snow slowly sky size simple ship shall scientist sat round rock check game full friend foot follow floor fine finally field felt fast fall fact everything everyone else either easy dry doing distance deep dark complete common coming class getting girl glass goes gold gone happened having heart heavy held hold horse hour hundred instead itself kept language least leave quickly question problem probably power alone already although America anything area ball beautiful beginning birds blue boat bottom bring build built care carefully carried carry center sand science section send sense sets sharp sight similar song spent" spread stick stone teeth there train Washington weight wrong wet set get let seen taken father mother media mate back color help wake try face hair greet great day classic light hurt sand science section send sense sets sharp sight similar song spent" spread stick stone teeth there train Washington weight wrong wet set get let seen taken father mother media mate back color help wake try face hair greet great day classic light hurt